Ardhita Listya Fitriani, Lilik Rahmawati Noor, Amrih Widiati



Betel leaves (Piperbetlelinn) contain biochemical compounds that can kill bacteria and fungi and act as antioxidants to speed up the healing process. These substances include bethephenol, chavicol, sesquiterpene, hydroxivaikal, capitol, estrogen, eugenol, and carvarool. Binahong leaves are reported to contain active components of flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, and saponins based on the results of research conducted. The active components of flavonoids work directly as antibiotics. The pharmacological properties of flavonoids include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties. The ascorbic acid contained in binahong can increase the body's defense against infection and help preserve mucous membranes. This research uses a quasi-experimental design with a post-test. The population in this study were postpartum mothers who gave birth between 0 and 7 days ago experiencing second-degree birth canal tears in the Karanganyar Community Health Center area. The sample for this study was 32 people, with one intervention group including 16 participants. The T-test using the Independent T-Test was used to analyze the data. After boiling the average perineal wound yield was 4.1250; The lowest and maximum levels of perineal injuries were 3 and 6 respectively. After consuming binahong boiled water, postpartum mothers in the Karanganyar Community Health Center area experienced an average of 2,750 perineal injuries, with 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest. There was a difference in the effectiveness of drinking betel boiled water and binahong boiled water on the degree of perineal injury in postpartum women in the Karanganyar Community Health Center area after carrying out the Paired T-Test (p-value = 0.011). It is hoped that this research can help overcome postpartum mothers' complaints regarding perineal wounds.



Keywords: Betel, Binahong, Perineal Wound

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