Ni Nyoman Martaningtyas Adinata, Dewi Mayangsari


Maternal mortality rate is an important indicator in achieving the health status of a nation. Postpartum infection often occurs because of the perineal wound that does not get optimal care. The purpose of this study Know the effectiveness of giving binahong and betel leaves on the healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers. Methodology Tipe of quantitative research with two groups pre post design. Obstained a sample of 32 respondents and divided into 2 groups. The results of the study There are differences before and after giving binahong leaves. p value: 0,000 <0.05 means that there is a significant effect before and after giving binahong leaves. Giving  betel leaf p value: 0,000 <0.05 means that there is a significant effect before and after giving the betel leaf. Whereas from the whitney mann test, the unpaired group p values: 0.211> 0.05 means that trere is no significant effect of giving binahong and betel. Conclution : There is a difference between before and after giving binahong and betel to healing wounds perineum, binahong and betelhavethe same effectiveness

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