Hesa Candra Meisaputri, Asih Anggraeni, Siti Nurhidayati, Noviyati Rahardjo Putri, Luluk Fajria Maulida



Maternal mortality rates continue to be a major concern in many developing countries. Preeclampsia, a hypertensive disorder experienced during pregnancy, is one of the leading causes of maternal and neonatal deaths worldwide. The occurrence of preeclampsia is theoretically influenced by various risk factors. This study aims to identify the determinants of preeclampsia among pregnant women at Dr. Moewardi Regional Public Hospital in Surakarta in 2022. The research utilizes an analytical observational design with a case-control approach. The study population includes all pregnant patients at Dr. Moewardi Regional Public Hospital in Surakarta in 2022. Sample selection is conducted using a purposive sampling technique, with cases consisting of patients diagnosed with preeclampsia and controls consisting of patients without preeclampsia. The sample size is 256 pregnant women, comprising 128 case samples and 128 control samples. Data analysis is performed using the Chi-Square statistical test, followed by determining the Odds Ratio (OR). Furthermore, multiple logistic regression analysis is conducted. The results of the analysis reveal that there is an influence of parity (p=0.008; OR 4.054, 95% CI), a significant influence of hypertension history (p=0.000; OR 25.84, 95% CI), a significant influence of twin pregnancy (p=0.038; OR 5.34, 95% CI), and a significant influence of obesity (p=0.014; OR 3.124, 95% CI) on the occurrence of preeclampsia among pregnant women at Dr. Moewardi Regional Public Hospital in Surakarta in 2022. Hypertension history is found to be the most influential variable based on logistic regression analysis with an OR value of 30.125. This study indicates that parity, hypertension history, twin pregnancy, and obesity are risk factors that significantly contribute to the occurrence of preeclampsia, with hypertension history being the most prominent factor.


Keywords: hypertension history, obesity, parity, preeclampsia, twin pregnancy

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