Penurunan kualitas tidur ibu hamil disebabkan oleh faktor fisik, diantaranya penyakit penyerta pada ibu hamil, kondisi tubuh dan hormon. Faktor psikologis yang memengaruhi diantaranya kecemasan dalam persalinan, karena pandemi COVID-19 dan gangguan psikologis. Kualitas tidur ibu hamil akan berpengaruh pada peningkatan tekanan darah dan HbA1c sehingga dapat meningkatkan resiko preeklamsi. Kunci peningkatan kualitas tidur adalah kondisi pikiran dan tubuh yang rileks pada ibu sehingga dapat membuat kenyamanan dan mengurangi beban pikiran. Penerapan SIT (Self Intruction Training) kombinasi deep breathing diterapkan untuk membuat ibu hamil rileks sehingga meningkatkan kualitas tidur ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian melihat pengaruh SIT kombinasi deep breathing dalam meningkatkan kualitas tidur. Metode penelitian menggunakan true eksperimental pre post test group design dengan kelompok kontrol. Jumlah sampel 30 ibu hamil dengan kualitas tidur buruk yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu 15 intervensi dan 15 kontrol. Kelompok intervensi diberi metode SIT kombinasi deep breathing setiap 2 hari sekali menjelang tidur selama 2 minggu. Kelompok kontrol diberikan intervensi deep breathing selama 2 minggu menjelang tidur. Pengukuran kualitas tidur menggunakan PSQI (Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index). Hasil penelitian uji Maan Whitney didapatkaan nilai signifikan p value 0,022. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah pemberian SIT kombinasi deep breathing efektif untuk meningkatkan kualitas tidur.
Kata Kunci: deep breathing; ibu hamil; kualitas tidur; self instruction training
The decline in sleep quality in pregnant women is due to physical such as comorbidities, body conditions, and altered hormones. Meanwhile, psychological factors including anxiety during childbirth, anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic, poverty, and psychological disorders also play a role. The sleep quality of pregnant women might affect increasing blood pressure and increasing HbA1c that increasing the risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes in pregnant women. Thus, pregnant women should have a relaxed state of mind and body to creates comfort and reduce the burden on their minds while sleeping. This study was to see the application of Self-instruction training and deep breathing might help them to sleep. True experimental was used in the form of pre-test-post-test group design was employed in this study with 30 pregnant women with poor sleep quality included as the sample. They were divided into two groups, the intervention group (15) and the kontrol group (15). The intervention group was given the Self Instruction Training method with a combination of deep breathing every 2 days before bed for 2 weeks. The kontrol group was given deep breathing intervention for 2 weeks before bed. Sleep quality was measured using the PSQI (Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index) sleep quality questionnaire. The data analysis used the Mann Whitney test obtained a significant p-value of 0.022. In conclusion, the provision of SIT with a deep breathing combination is effective to improve the sleep quality of pregnant women.
Keywords: self-instruction training, deep breathing, sleep quality, pregnant women
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