Rika Sarfika, Bunga Permata Wenny, Nelvi Kurnia Putri, Nindi Eka Wijaya, I Made Moh Yanuar Saifudin


Degenerative conditions like stroke impact both the elderly and younger individuals, posing physical and psychological challenges. Stroke, ranking second in global causes of death and third in disability, often leads to anxiety. Slow Stroke Back Massage (SSBM) therapy is a non-pharmacological approach addressing anxiety in stroke patients. This case study aimed to describe the process of nursing care incorporating Slow Stroke Back Massage (SSBM) therapy. This case study focuses on providing anxiety nursing care to a 67-year-old patient with hemorrhagic stroke through SSBM therapy. Conducted from July 6 to July 15, 2023, the study utilized evidence-based nursing principles, employing a 3-day SSBM therapy. Anxiety levels were assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire, revealing anxiety in the patient. Post-SSBM therapy, significant reductions in anxiety scores were observed, showcasing its potential to alleviate anxiety in stroke patients. This research contributes insights into employing SSBM therapy for anxiety mitigation, aiming to enhance nursing services for individuals dealing with stroke-induced anxiety.

Keywords: Anxiety, Stroke hemorrhagic, Slow Stroke Back Massage 

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Jurnal Smart Keperawatan diterbitkan oleh STIKes Karya Husada Semarang ISSN 2301-6221, E-ISSN 2502-5236