Oktavia Ayu Novita Sari, Suksi Riani, Riris Risca Megawati


The patients with tuberculosis have symptoms, such as breathlessness, fatigue, lower appetite, decreased weight, malaise sweating, and fever for more than a month. This norepinephrine causes an individual to awake and makes the individual unable to sleep. Sleeping problems in TB patients happen due to hypoxia and hypercapnia during sleeping. This research determined the correlation between respiratory rate and sleeping quality of patients with tuberculosis. This research used a design cross-sectional which measures respiratory rate and sleep quality at the same time. The number of samples in this study was 30 respondents with a purposive sampling technique. The measuring instrument used in this study was the observation sheet for respiratory rate and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) for sleep quality. Analysis data used the statistic test fisher exact. The results indicated the correlation score of the Fisher Exact Test with a p-value of 0.002. The score indicated the correlation between respiratory rate and sleeping quality of patients with tuberculosis. The recommendations of this study can be a references for nurse to assess the sleep quality of tuberculosis patients so the nurses can give implementation for sleep disorders.

 Keywords: Respiratory Rate, Sleep Quality, Tuberculosis

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Jurnal Smart Keperawatan diterbitkan oleh STIKes Karya Husada Semarang ISSN 2301-6221, E-ISSN 2502-5236