Fatimah Zahra, Hardiyanto Hardiyanto, Bima Aminul K, Wiwit Dwi Nurbadriyah, Annisa Rahmi Galleryski, Lintang Puspita Prabarini


Hemodialysis is a long-term procedure for patients with end-stage renal disease. Blood pressure changes are one of the complications of hemodialysis therapy. Comfort nursing model is utilized to provide comfort and alleviate discomfort in patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hemodialysis therapy on blood pressure changes. Cross-sectional research design, with the inclusion criteria of patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy 2x a week with a duration of 3-4 hours in each session. Sampling technique was convenience sampling with 52 respondents. Data analysis using t-test to determine the effect of hemodialysis therapy on changes in blood pressure. T-test analysis to get sig value. 0.000 (<0.05) indicates changes in blood pressure during hemodialysis therapy, both hypotension and hypertension. A total of 31 (58.9%) had hypertension before therapy, 7 people had an increase in systolic blood pressure > 20 mmHg. Respondents who had no change in blood pressure were 24 (17.7%). Psycho-spiritual and environmental comfort by modifying the environment in the hemodialysis unit, as well as the placement of people who are expected to be a support system, will impact the results of blood measurements shortly after therapy and minimize the side effects of therapy.

Keywords: Blood Pressure; Hemodialysis; Intradialysis

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