Nandang Jamiat


The incidence of Diabetes Mellitus nationally increased from 6.9% to 8.5%. However, there was a decrease in the participation of DM patients to become prolanis participants. The decline in Chronic Disease Management Program participants before the COVID-19 pandemic had occurred, especially after the pandemic. It is necessary to evaluate the Chronic Disease Management Program carried out by each district health centre. Active Chronic Disease Management Program participants with Diabetes Mellitus can control their sugar levels well. Chronic Disease Management Program managers will experience difficulties when DM patients are not active in Chronic Disease Management Program activities (resigned). Efforts need to be made to improve the services of the prolanis coordinator. The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts to improve services for DM patients with participants carried out by the Chronic Disease Management Program coordinator at the district health center . This study used a qualitative phenomenologic research design  with Collaizi analysis technique. The sample was carried out by purposive sampling as many as 9 partisipant in 9 health centers. The results of the study found 5 themes, namely: Obedience in implementing the DM Chronic Disease Management Program, innovation efforts of the DM Chronic Disease Management Program coordinator, educational efforts for DM  participants, barriers to program implementation, and work support. The Chronic Disease Management Program coordinator is expected to continue to innovate services to DM participants. Keywords: diabetes mellitus; coordinator; chronic disease management programABSTRAK

Angka kejadian Diabetes Melitus (DM) secara nasional meningkat dari 6,9% menjadi 8,5%.  Namun terjadi penurunan keikutsertaan pasien DM menjadi peserta prolanis.

Penurunan peserta prolanis DM sebelum pandemi COVID-19 sudah terjadi, apalagi setelah terjadi pandemi. Hal ini harus dilakukan evaluasi terhadap program prolanis

yang dilaksanakan setiap puskesmas. Peserta Prolanis DM yang aktif dapat dikendalikan kadar gulanya dengan baik. Pengelola prolanis akan mengalami kesulitan saat pasien DM

tidak aktif dalam kegiatan prolanis (mengundurkan diri). Perlu dilakukan upaya peningkatan pelayanan dari koordinator prolanis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui

upaya peningkatan pelayanan pasien DM peserta prolanis yang dilakukan koordinator prolanis di puskesmas. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan

fenomenologi dan menggunakan tehnik analisa Collaizi.  Sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling sebanyak 9 orang koordinator prolanis DM di 9 Puskesmas. Hasil penelitian didapatkan

5 tema yaitu :  Ketaatan melaksanakan program prolanis DM, Upaya inovasi koordinator prolanis DM,  Upaya edukasi bagi peserta prolanis DM, Hambatan pelaksanaan program, dan Dukungan

kerja. Koordinator prolanis diharapkan terus melakukan inovasi pelayanan kepada peserta prolanis DM. 


Kata Kunci : diabetes melitus; koordinator;  prolanis.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.34310/jskp.v9i1.526


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Jurnal Smart Keperawatan diterbitkan oleh STIKes Karya Husada Semarang ISSN 2301-6221, E-ISSN 2502-5236